
COE to participate in Kaleidoscope

The College of Engineering is set to participate on Saturday in Kaleidoscope, Cal State Long Beach's annual festival.

According to a CSULB press release, Engineering Day will allow visitors — from both the campus and local community — to view and complete demonstrations relating to engineering science. Last year, they held an intercollegiate MicroMouse competition, in which small robot mice race to get through a maze.

Kaleidoscope will be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit the CSULB website. A full guide of the event should be posted by Friday.

Here is a video of last year's Kaleidoscope:


Engineering students join together through organizations

Cal State Long Beach's Associated Engineering Student Body (AESB) is holding a meeting this Friday at 1 p.m. in ECS Room 302.

According to the AESB website, the group represents all engineering students and organizations on campus. AESB also provides grants, scholarships and other resources for engineering students.

They are also currently accepting officer applications for the next academic year.


More students concerned about energy, sustainability

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times said that more college students are planning to pursue "clean energy" careers, especially over concerns about climate change.

According to the article, there has been more than a 5 percent decrease in graduate engineering enrollment in the U.S. from 2003 to 2005.

At Cal State Long Beach, there are currently 13 undergraduates in the engineering technology: environmental technology program of the chemical engineering department, according to CSULB.