
CSULB places 5th in robot fight

Cal Poly's robot fights another at this year's BattleBot competition. Photo credit

Cal State Long Beach engineering students won fifth place last month at the BattleBots collegiate tournament in Vallejo, Calif.

According to a CSULB press release, CSULB's robot, SharkTooth looked to tear robots "to pieces in a cage-style arena." The release also said that the robot had five 10 inch circular saw blades and a row of mill cutting blades to help it fight to the death.

A story in the Daily Forty-Niner said that the CSULB team last competed in 2005, when they lost to Cal Tech.

BattleBots, created by CSULB alumnus Trey Roski, was also a television show that aired on Comedy Central for five seasons.